Welcome To Indy CBD Plus
Indianapolis’ premiere CBD Store!
Indy CBD Plus exists to help its customers care for and improve their health and wellness.
The Best Shop In Town
Our mission is to sell the best damn hemp based products in Indiana! The way we achieve this is through continued education, sampling from all the professional brands and full transparency in everything we do.

How does CBD
help stress?
A study performed in 2011 found that CBD reduced social anxiety specifically induced by public speaking. Anxiety left untreated for a long time can transform into stress disorders.

How does CBD help
improve sleep?
Scientists have discovered CBD may have pain relieving properties by reducing inflammation on a cellular level. If pain is inhibiting your sleep, your sleep might naturally improve.

How does CBD
help anxiety?
CBD may reduce anxiety by alterations in serotonin receptors, although more studies need to be performed to be sure. We at Indy CBD Plus are always tracking new developments.
A Helpful Perspective On CBD

How to Treat With CBD
CBD can be taken orally, under the tongue (sublingually), through inhalation and applied topically. Orally is the most common method, while inhalation is the most immediately effective.

CBD Product Options
Gummies, oils, edibles and capsules are effective in under an hour and can last from 4-8 hours. Vaping or smoking CBD is effective immediately, with zero waste, and can last 2-6 hours. Topical products, like lotions, target specific areas and can last 2-4 hours.

CBD's Medicinal Benefits
CBD products may help reduce pain by reducing inflammation, may reduce acne and other skin irritations, may help improve sleep by lowering stress and pain, and may improve heart health by regulating blood pressure. There may also be neuroprotective properties to cannabanoids, and benefits may help reduce negative symptions with chemotherapy as well as symptoms of Parkinsons.

Don't Believe CBD Myths
There’s no efficacy to speculation that CBD is addictive, or that one could overdose or die. CBD cannot get you “high.” Additionally, not all CBD is the same, and no, you do not need a prescription.
5144 Madison Ave SUITE 5, Indianapolis, IN 46227
Open Monday-Friday: 10AM-6PM | Saturday: 10AM-5PM | Sunday: 12PM – 5PM