CBD. We know you have heard of it by now. We know you have google searched it a time or two. And now you are starting to notice that everyone is selling CBD. This is not like selling anything else. Sure, every mammal needs CBD. But do you know how to dose the CBD, the differences in the spectrum’s and the cannabinoids associated with their classifications? Probably not and neither do most of the stores you are seeing around you. CBD is similar to a vitamin and once you have the right dosage figured out you can easily run into one of the local shops that do not know very much, buy your product and get out. But when you shop with Indy CBD Plus, we not only have the most knowledge on the subject but we also have the most brands and the most competitive pricing. We strive to stay ahead of the industry that is why you hear about the newest Cannabinoids here first! CBG, CBN, CBL and there are many others that we have not even fully discovered. If you are in Indianapolis and looking for CBD you wanna make our store your first stop. Our reviews will agree with us. Thanks for taking time to read this and cheers to wellness!(clinks dropper with you)
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5144 Madison Ave SUITE 5, Indianapolis, IN 46227
Open Monday-Friday: 10AM-6PM | Saturday: 10AM-6PM | Sunday: 12PM - 5PM